
As generative AI applications continue to evolve, new methods are being developed to enhance information retrieval in specialized fields. Contextual Legal RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), developed by TrueLaw's research team, is an approach that aims to address challenges in legal information retrieval. This method adapts existing RAG techniques to the specific requirements of legal research and analysis.

Background: Traditional RAG in Legal Contexts

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has been applied in various domains, including legal research. The standard RAG process typically involves:

  1. Dividing documents into smaller segments
  2. Creating vector embeddings of these segments
  3. Storing embeddings in a vector database
  4. Retrieving relevant segments based on query similarity
  5. Using retrieved segments to augment prompts for an AI model

While this approach has shown promise, it can face challenges in the legal domain due to:

  • Loss of broader document context
  • Difficulty in capturing complex legal relationships
  • Challenges with legal jargon and term-of-art interpretations
  • Lack of consideration for legal hierarchies (e.g., court levels, jurisdictions)

Contextual Legal RAG: A New Approach

Contextual Legal RAG aims to address these limitations by incorporating legal-specific context into both the document processing and retrieval stages. Here's an overview of how it works:

1. Legal Document Preprocessing

a. Legal Chunking

  • Documents are split into segments that align with legal document structure (e.g., by sections, clauses, or logical breaks in argumentation)

b. Legal Context Generation

  • For each segment, an AI model generates a concise legal context
  • This context includes information such as:
    • Document type and section
    • Jurisdiction and court level
    • Temporal information (e.g., decision date, relevant time periods)
    • Key legal concepts or principles
    • Relationship to overall document argument

c. Contextual Legal Embeddings

  • The generated legal context is prepended to each segment
  • This combined text (context + segment) is then embedded

d. Contextual Legal BM25

  • The contextualized segments are used to create an enhanced BM25 index
  • This aims to improve exact matching capabilities for legal citations, case names, and specific legal terminology

2. Enhanced Legal Retrieval

When a query is received:

  1. Vector Similarity Search: The query is embedded and used to find similar contextualized segments in the vector database.
  2. Contextual Legal BM25: The query is also used to find relevant segments based on exact matches of legal terms and citations.
  3. Result Fusion: Results from both methods are combined and deduplicated.
  4. Legal Reranking: A specialized legal reranking model assesses the relevance of retrieved segments, considering factors like:
    • Jurisdictional relevance
    • Precedential value
    • Recency of the legal decision
    • Specificity to the legal question at hand
  5. Context-Aware Prompt Construction: The top-ranked segments, along with their legal context, are used to construct a prompt for the AI model.

Potential Benefits of Contextual Legal RAG

  1. Retrieval Accuracy: By incorporating legal context, the system may more accurately retrieve relevant legal information.
  2. Legal Nuance: The added context aims to maintain subtle distinctions important in legal analysis.
  3. Citation Matching: May improve the system's ability to find exact matches for legal citations and case names.
  4. Jurisdictional Awareness: Could help researchers identify which jurisdiction a particular legal principle or decision applies to.
  5. Temporal Context: The system factors in the timeline of legal decisions, potentially aiding in understanding the evolution of legal interpretations.
  6. Hierarchical Understanding: Attempts to recognize the importance of court hierarchies and precedential value.
  7. Terminology Precision: Aims to better handle legal jargon and terms of art that may have specific meanings in different contexts.

Implementation Considerations

  1. Legal Corpus Preparation: Ensuring the legal document collection is well-structured and includes relevant metadata.
  2. Embedding Models: Considering the use or fine-tuning of embedding models on legal corpora.
  3. Legal-Specific Reranking: Developing or adapting reranking models to prioritize legal relevance factors.
  4. Ethical and Privacy Considerations: Implementing data protection measures, especially for sensitive legal information.
  5. Versioning and Updates: Establishing a system for updates to reflect changes in law and new legal decisions.
  6. Explainability: Incorporating features that allow users to understand why certain legal information was retrieved.

Potential Use Cases in Legal Practice

  1. Case Law Research: Finding relevant precedents across multiple jurisdictions.
  2. Contract Analysis: Identifying similar clauses and their interpretations in past agreements.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Tracking changing regulations and their legal interpretations.
  4. Legal Writing Assistance: Providing relevant legal citations and arguments during brief writing.
  5. Due Diligence: Analyzing large volumes of legal documents in M&A transactions.


Contextual Legal RAG represents a new approach in applying generative AI to legal information retrieval. By attempting to preserve and enhance the context surrounding legal information, this method aims to improve the accuracy and relevance of legal research. As with any new technology, its effectiveness and impact will need to be thoroughly evaluated in real-world legal applications.